Train with our founder and chess coach Parth Sharma, who has created several chess champions in the US, the UK, and India under his tutelage.
How easy it would have been if we could solve complex mathematical calculations in just a few seconds without the use of any calculators? Learning Vedic Mathematics will enable you to unlock and solve the magical secrets of mathematical calculations in a jiffy without any stress during an exam.
Do you have what it takes to fill in the numbers 1-9 without repetition in the boxes, rows, and columns? Learn the art of solving the toughest of the sudokus without making a single error.
Are you looking for a unique and effective way to boost your child's cognitive skills? Look no further! Introducing our dynamic Abacus Classes – the key to unlocking your child's full potential in mathematics and beyond.
Looking to get your kid acquainted with programming? Look no further! Introducing our Python Classes – the key to your child's exposure to the coding world.
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Account Number: 5623418
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